The Process:
Most of the painting is executed on-site during the wedding and reception, ensuring that the canvas becomes a living reflection of the day. Once the event concludes, the painting is transported to my studio for the final touches. This two-step process allows the oil paint to dry between sessions, ensuring a flawless and enduring representation of your special day.
Choose Your Scene
You choose the scene you want represented in your wedding painting. These are just some common choices. You can select any scene for your wedding.
First Dance
The Ceremony
First Kiss
Wedding Party
Live Event Painting starts at $1200
- 5 hours of onsite painting, plus studio time to detail the couple. Only the couple will be detailed.
- You choose the scene, ceremony, or dance.
- Frame not included.
- Travel is $.65/mile if the location is more than 30 miles outside the Fargo Moorhead area.
- An overnight stay may be required if the location is more than 2 hours away. Two overnight stays if the venue is 4+ hours away.
Live Event Painting Sizes
- Small 16×20″ $1200
- Medium 18×24″ $1700
- Large 20×30″ $2400
- XL 24×36″ $3400
- Other sizes may be available on request.
Addons are available!
- Detailed people aside from the wedding couple
- Adoring pets
- Extra small paintings as gifts
- Gicleé prints
- More than one painting from the same wedding
- Paint from photos is an option. Just ask!
Schedule a Call
There is no risk or charge. We can chat about your wedding painting.
Book Now!
This will take you to the Creatively Uncorked website to complete your booking.